
1B 1852平プーリISO 22
2B 1854一般用VプーリISO 4183
3B 1855細幅VプーリISO 4183
4B 1856歯付プーリ(旧JIS K 6372, K 6373)ISO 19347
5B 1857-1一般用円弧歯形歯付ベルト伝動 第1部:ベルトISO 13050
6B 1857-2一般用円弧歯形歯付ベルト伝動 第2部:プーリISO 13050
7B 1858Vリブドベルト伝動 一般用プーリ及びベルトISO 9982
8B 1859歯付きベルト伝動―用語ISO 5288
9B 1860摩擦ベルト伝動-Vベルト,Vリブドベルト,Vプーリ及びVリブドプーリ-用語ISO 1080
10B 1861Vベルト及びVリブドベルト -軸間距離の変動の測定方法ISO 9608
11B 1862摩擦ベルト伝動-Vリブドプーリ及びベルトの寸法-PK形ISO 9981
12B 1863摩擦ベルト伝動-Vリブドベルト-疲労試験方法ISO 11749
13B 1864歯付ベルト伝動-ベルト及びプーリISO 21342
14B 1865歯付ベルト伝動-物性試験方法ISO 12064
15B 1866摩擦ベルト伝動-Vベルト及びプーリ溝部-形状・寸法ISO 2790
16B 1867摩擦ベルト伝動-Vベルトの疲労試験方法ISO 5287
17K 6323一般用Vベルト無し
18K 6368細幅VベルトISO 4184
K 6372→B1856一般用歯付ベルトISO 5296-1
K 6373→B1856軽負荷用歯付ベルトISO 5296-2
K 6374→K6378-6樹脂コンベヤベルトの幅及び長さの許容差ISO 15147
K 6376→K6378-7樹脂コンベヤベルトの最大引張強さの求め方ISO 21180
19K 6378ライトコンベヤベルト 応力緩和後の弾性係数の求め方ISO 21181
20K 6378-2ライトコンベヤベルト 摩擦係数の求め方ISO 21182
21K 6378-3ライトコンベヤベルト-走行帯電圧の求め方ISO 21179
22K 6378-4ライトコンベヤベルト-表面電気抵抗の求め方ISO 21178
23K 6378-5ライトコンベヤベルト-体積電気抵抗の求め方ISO 21178
24K 6378-6ライトコンベヤベルト-幅及び長さの許容差 (旧JIS K 6374)ISO 15147
25K 6378-7ライトコンベヤベルト-最大引張強さの求め方 (旧JIS K 6376)ISO 21180
1E 105自動車用歯付ベルトJIS B 1864
2E 106自動車用歯付プーリ
3E 107自動車用Vベルト及びVプーリ 形状・寸法JIS B 1866
4E 109自動車部品 Vリブドプーリ溝及びベルト―形状・寸法JIS B 1862
5E 110自動車用歯付ベルトの試験方法JIS B 1865
6E 121自動車用Vベルト 耐久試験方法JIS B 1867
7E 122自動車部品 Vリブドベルト 試験方法・性能JIS B 1863
    1. 摩擦伝動
1ISO 22Belt drives — Flat transmission belts and corresponding pulleys –Dimensions and tolerancesJIS B 1852
2ISO 155Belt drives — Pulleys — Limiting values for adjustment of centres無し
3ISO 254Belt drives — Pulleys — Quality, finish and balance無し
4ISO 255Belt drives — Pulleys for V-belts (system based o n datum width) — Geometrical inspection of grooves無し
5ISO 1081Belt drives — V-belts and V-ribbed belts, and corresponding grooved pulleys — Vocabulary無し
6ISO 1604Belt drives — Endless wide V-belts for industrial speed-changers and groove profiles for corresponding pulleysJIS B 1860
7ISO 1813Belt drives — V-ribbed belts, joined V-belts and V-belts including wide section belts and hexagonal belts — Electrical conductivity of antistatic belts:無し
8ISO 2790Belt drives — Narrow V-belts for the automotive industry and corresponding pulleys –DimensionsJIS B 1866
9ISO 3410Agricultural machinery — Endless variable-speed V-belts and groove sections of corresponding pulleys無し
10ISO 4183Belt drives — Classical and narrow V-belts — Grooved pulleys (system based on datum width)JIS B 1854,1855
11ISO 4184Belt drives — Classical and narrow V-belts — Lengths in datum systemJIS K 6368
12ISO 5287Belt drives — Narrow V-belts for the automotive industry — Fatigue testJIS B 1867
13ISO 5289Agricultural machinery — Endless hexagonal belts and groove sections of corresponding pulleys無し
14ISO 5290Belt drives — Grooved pulleys for joined narrow V-belts – Groove sections 9N/J, 15N/J and 25N/J (effective system)無し
15ISO 5291Belt drives — Grooved pulleys for joined classical V-belts – Groove sections AJ, BJ, CJ and DJ (effective system)無し
16ISO 8370-1Belt drives — Dynamic test to determine pitch zone location — Part1: V-belts無し
17ISO 8370-2Belt drives — Dynamic test to determine pitch zone location — Part2: V-ribbed belts無し
18ISO 8419Belt drives — Narrow V-belts — Sections 9N/J, 15N/J and 25N/J (lengths in the effective system)無し
19ISO 9608V-belts — Uniformity of belts — Test method for determination of centre distance variationJIS B 1861
20ISO 9980Belt drives — Grooved pulleys for V-belts (system based on effective width) — Geometrical inspection of grooves無し
21ISO 9981Belt drives — Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for the automotive industry — PK profile: DimensionsJIS B 1862
22ISO 9982Belt drives — Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for industrial applications — PH, PJ, PK, PL and PM profiles: dimensionsJIS B 1858
23ISO 11749Belt drive — V-ribbed belts for the automotive industry – Fatigue testJIS B 1863
24ISO 24035Belt drives — V-belts and the corresponding pulleys for agricultural machineries — Dimensions無し
    1. 歯付伝動
1ISO 5288Synchronous belt drives — VocabularyJIS B 1859
ISO 5294ISO 19347Synchronous belt drives – PulleysJIS B 1856
2ISO 5295Synchronous belt drives – Caluculation of power rating and drive center distance無し
ISO 5296-1ISO 19347Synchronous belt drives — Belts with pitch codes MXL, XXL, XL, L, H, XH, and XXH — Metric and inch dimensionsJIS K 6372
ISO 5296-2ISO 19347Synchronous belt drives – Belts -Pitch Codes MXL and XXL – Metric dimensionsJIS K 6373
ISO 9010ISO 21342Synchronous belt drives – Automotive beltsJASO E 105
ISO 9011ISO 21342Synchronous belt drives – Automotive pulleysJASO E 106
3ISO 9563Belt drives — Electrical conductivity of antistatic Synchronous belts — Characteristics and test method無し
4ISO 12046Synchronous belt drives – Automotive belts – Determination of physical propertiesJIS B 1865
5ISO 13050Curvilinear toothed synchronous belt drive systemsJIS B 1857-1,1857-2
6ISO 17396Synchronous belt drives — Metric pitch, trapezoidal profile systems T and AT, belts and pulleys 
7ISO 19347Synchronous belt drives — Imperial pitch trapezoidal profile system — Belts and pulleysJIS B 1856
8ISO 21342Synchronous belt drives-Automotive belts and pulleysJIS B 1864
    1. 樹脂ベルト
1ISO 15147Light conveyor belts — Tolerances on widths and lengths of cut light conveyor beltsJIS K 6378-6
2ISO 21178Light conveyor belts — Determination of electrical resistancesJIS K 6378-4, 5
3ISO 21179Light conveyor belts — Determination of the electrostatic field generated by a running light conveyor beltJIS K 6378-3
4ISO 21180Light conveyor belts — Determination of the maximum tensile strengthJIS K 6378-7
5ISO 21181Light conveyor belts — Determination of the relaxed elastic modulusJIS K 6378
6ISO 21182Light conveyor belts — Determination of the coefficient of frictionJIS K 6378-2
7ISO 21183-1Light conveyor belts — Part 1: Principal characteristics and applications無し
8ISO 21183-2Light conveyor belts — Part 2: List of equivalent terms無し