日本語題目 | トルク変動下での歯付きベルトの荷重分担ならびに噛み合い解析 |
英語題目 | Load distribution analysis for toothed belts subjected to fluctuating torque |
著者名 | 城戸隆一,草野隆行,藤井透 |
掲載情報 | 自動車技術会論文集 Vol.27 No.1, pp127-132, 1996 |
要旨 | A numerical approach using the finite element method was shown to analyze the load distribution of toothed belt drives at unsteady states. When the driven pulley was subjected to fluctuating torque due to, for instance, cam driving, the tension side of the belt periodically becomes the slack side according to torque fluctuation. The reserve also occurs. Hence, the tooth load distribution changes with respect report to time and it is quite different from the tooth load distribution under constant torque loading since the frictional force changes its direction. |
キーワード | Toothed belts, Tooth load distribution, Fluctuating torque, Numerical analysis, FEM |
論文集への収録 | あり ベルト伝動技術論文集2007 |